Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Having McD on 12a.m ~!

My results of this semester~

Well.. It has been a long time i didn't updated my blog.. So, let me update it now..
This afternoon i just knew that result are out.. Goshhh im damn nervous of it.. But then, when i know the result, im not really satisfied on it.. I got 2 A- , 1 B, and 1 C+ .. I hope to get A but not A- , but then, im also happy i will pass all my subjects and with two A-.. *Yeapppiii* At least got a "A" .. haha~ Well, this holiday quite boring but i still enjoy it.. Seems like not enough holiday.. School will be start next week le.. Wana have more holidaysssss.. >.<
I scared the feeling of stress in examss and assignmentss~ But then, wad to do?? This is studies.. But i still enjoy my life in college.. Cheers~!! Study hard and strive for the best.. =)
Will be updated again.. See you..

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Result release....

I have been waiting today for so long... Finally the result release.. Haha..
So, around 1.10pm like this Wilson come to my house and we wait for Annie to come and pick us.. Wilson lazy to drive so Annie come pick us up loh.. Haha..
Then we go college and look for our result.. Haha... I get 2 A- and 3 B+ ..
Not really good but im happy for my result le... I will work harder next time to get a better result..
Hope can lah.. Haha... Thank you very much for all the people especially "YOU".. The one who oweyz courage me and support me on dat time..
YOU will alwayz be in my heart, FOREVER.. There is nothing much to say now but only THANK YOU.. ^^
All the best and congratulate to all my frens... =)
Muackzzzzz... Haha...

Thursday, August 14, 2008



I like it..

1. 心疼你的男人是這樣的:平時嘲笑你沒胸沒屁股,指著洋美眉說:瞧瞧人家,那纔叫長得夠味。等你真的很認真的對他說:很多人都去隆胸,你也想去的時候。他會很生氣地說:別傻,現在這樣多好啊。

2. 心疼你的男人是這樣的:吃飯的時候,把最好的都擺在你面前,看你狼吞虎咽的吃,先是很欣慰的笑笑,然後再生氣的說:慢點慢點,沒人跟你搶。然後再很生氣的說:你太自私了,什麼都是挑最好的先吃。再最後,還是把最好的都夾到你碗裡。

3. 心疼你的男人是這樣的:無論你做什麼東西,他都說好吃。偶爾說一次:這個太咸了。盡管如此還是都吃掉了。直到有一次家裡來客人,你做了一大桌的東西,客人說:你是不是平時很少做飯啊?你終於明白:其實你做的東西並不好吃。

4. 心疼你的男人是這樣的:每次都跟你說,我們上館子吃吧,自己做太累。你說:太貴,用這個錢可以買大蝦自己做著吃。他會很高興的說:還是我老婆最賢惠。

5. 心疼你的男人是這樣的:你每次去接他,從來都是遲到,他很生氣,說你不重視他,纔會遲到。把你先罵一頓,然後再打開包包,滿包包全是給你買的東西。

6. 心疼你的男人是這樣的:催你早點睡,早點起。你跟他說:早上早點叫我起來。早上你卻偏偏要賴床,他叫了幾次你都不起,最後起來晚了,你還要怪他沒好好叫你。他很無辜,說:我看你睡得那麼香,不忍心叫你。

7. 心疼你的男人是這樣的:總是把別的女人鄙一頓,張三太丑,李四太笨,王五太傻。。。只有我老婆最好,其實他這麼做只是為了哄你開心而已。她們並沒有他所鄙視的那麼糟。這是等你真正懂事的時候纔明白的道理。

8. 心疼你的男人是這樣的:你一遇到困難,就想到他,並且總能從他那找到解決困難的答案。當你沒困難的時候就總也想不到他,他卻不怪你。

9. 心疼你的男人是這樣的:給你錢花,你卻說他把你寵壞了,失去了艱苦奮斗的決心。不給你錢花,為了讓你樹立艱苦奮斗的決心的時候,你卻說他對你不夠好,自己吃山珍海味,卻讓她受苦。

10. 心疼你的男人是這樣的:心裡惦記著你,想來看你,你卻說你很忙。為你著想,不來看你的時候,你又說他拋下你一個人不管,自己去逍遙。




Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How To Set Up A Romantic Dinner

You always wanted to do something romantic for your partner but didn’t know how. Having a quiet dinner just the two of you can recreate romance again. Even if you had a disagreement, setting up a romantic dinner will only win you kudos.

1) Decide where you would like to have dinner, outside in the garden under the bright moonlight or on the terrace/verandah. Or you could arrange it in your dinning room.
2) Select an elegant table linen, with napkins good china and cutlery.
3) You can make or purchase a small flower arrangement to suit the color of your table linen. Don’t choose a large arrangement because it will be in the way of your conversation. You face could get hidden behind the flowers.
4) Set your table neatly. If you do not know how to place the cutlery refer to any book on table settings or websites.
5) Include candles on your table for the optimum romance. Try using several votive candles or tea lights rather than two tall taper candles. They will keep your view of your partner open and create a romantic glow.
6) Use attractive serving dishes and platters and keep the pots and pans in the kitchen. Even if you decide to order food from your favorite restaurant, don’t serve food in plastic boxes or cartons. Keep them in serving platters and keep them warm.
7) Welcome your partner by seating him or her and placing the napkin in his or her lap. Make it feel like a romantic restaurant that is opened just for the two of you.

10 Signs That Show You Are In A Healthy Relationship

1) You feel excited around your partner.
2) You can confide anything to your partner.
3) It feels okay to say sorry when you in the wrong.
4) Your partner is your best friend.
5) You can be yourself without any pretense of being judged with your partner.
6) You feel blessed to find such a wonderful person in your life.
7) You don’t need to express your feeling about how you feel about him/her because he/she can see it in your eyes.
8) You feel life is really wonderful and you now know how to live it well.
9) You are ready to face anything in life because you have someone to watch your back.
10) When he/she completes you.